
Website update for June 4, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Fixed error at tag list page (/tags) when search query contains capitalized characters.

Website update for May 23, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Fixed error at tag list page (/tags) when search query contains invalid characters.

Website update for May 21, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Turned off all advertisements.

Website update for May 4, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Added more contact information to About page.
* Buttons now use pointer cursor instead of generic arrow cursor.
* Added warning when clicking on download link that points to Discord message (you need to join the server to actually see message).

Website update for May 2, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Added validation on Upload page: mod tags must contain tags from download links.
* Added archive load information (progress bars, status information about extracting ESP file) on Upload page.
* Changed background color of navigation links on start page from purple to blue (better matches overall website design).

Website update for April 29, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Fixed tag expansions reverting to old value after pressing "Save" on user settings page.
* Added toast message after successful logout from account.
* ESP file information tables now use minimum height and don't stretch to use same height as other table.
* Fixed tag highlighting not working on Upload page when loading metadata file.
* Fixed tag editing.

Website update for April 28, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Automatically scroll to the top after clicking "Upload" button.
* Fixed textboxes breaking layout on small screen sizes.
* Logged in users now can see profiles of other users.
* Added user settings page, editor mode, tag expansion.

Website update for April 27, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Increased max ESP file size from 1 MB to 3 MB.
* Added error notification if ESP file size is more than 3 MB.
* When mod is uploaded mod description is now recorded in history.

Website update for April 26, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Allow to upload images in BMP file format.

Website update for April 24, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Game tags will not be expanded in download links field if mod tags field doesn't contain multiple game tags or if there is single download link.
* On upload page and mod edit page moved download links field below mod tags field.

Website update for April 22, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Fixed search textbox overflow if it contains long string without any spaces.
* Enabled caching for download link favicons.
* Replaced Open Sans font with default OS font (fixes ugly font switching and relayout when doing full page refresh).
* Removed ability to put empty URL and description in mod download link.

Website update for April 21, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Added links between registration and login pages.
* Fixed new account registration error.
* Removed small padding from primary post image at the bottom if gallery is empty.
* Fixed mod slug generator leaving dashes at the start/end and removing dashes from original name.
* When mod is uploaded mod name is now recorded in history.
* When mod is uploaded download links are not recorded in history anymore if they are empty.
* Enabled expansion of implied tags (only with type = "Game") in download links "Tags" field.

Website update for April 18, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Created page that displays when any kind of error occurs (including 404 Not Found errors).

Website update for April 16, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Described metadata tag type on help page.
* Fixed image posted date not displaying.
* Added text block with search query errors, if there are any.
* Mod file size is formatted without decimal places if file size less than 1 kilobyte.
* Allow to bypass similar image filter when uploading images.
* Last error that occured when uploading an image is correctly saved after pressing "Retry" button.

Website update for April 15, 2022

Posted at by admin
* When searching user's favorite posts, results are sorted by date when post was marked as favorite (previously posts were sorted by creation date).
* When searching user's favorite posts, deleted posts are shown in search results (previously deleted posts were hidden).
* Added more tracked post change types in "Post edits" field on user profile page.
* Added help page -

Website update for April 14, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Revert change on tag search page - displays up to 20 tags sorted by creation date (only when not searching).
* Removed double dashes from mod page slugs.
* Removed upvoting, now Score displays current amount users that added post in favorites.

Website update for April 13, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Removed invisible right sidebar on mod/image list pages.
* Tag counts do not include deleted mods and images anymore.
* Removed whitespace around mod deletion reason text.
* Fixed incorrect tag information page title.
* Tag search page now displays up to 20 tags sorted by name (previously it was displaying 10 tags sorted by creation date).
* Fixed inability to remove same mod tag and download link tag in single edit (previously had to remove tag from download link first, then mod tag second).
* Search tags now will display in page title on mod search page.
* Enabled search for existing duplicate images when uploading images.

Website update for April 11, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Fixed text "undefined" in mod posted date field.

Website update for April 10, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Fixed unauthorized access redirect on Upload page.
* When generating mod link, underscore from mod name will be replaced with dash.

Website update for April 9, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Improved error messages on Upload page.
* Fixed upload cancellation bug.