
Website update for May 20, 2024

Posted at by admin
* Fixed icons not displaying correctly in rare cases.

Website update for May 7, 2024

Posted at by admin
* Fixed incorrect preview image being shown when similar image is found on upload page 

Website update for April 20, 2024

Posted at by admin
* Added search terms "order" and "sort_by"
* "How to search?" page was updated to include examples of new search terms  

Website update for April 5, 2024

Posted at by admin
* Fixed automatic logout from account after navigating from external sites to ModBooru

Website update for March 31, 2024

Posted at by admin
* Improved CDN caching settings for images, hopefully they will load faster from now on.

Website update for March 30, 2024

Posted at by admin
* Fixed issue on upload page where preview image was not displaying when "similar image found" warning was shown in case offending image is being part of current upload

Website update for March 29, 2024

Posted at by admin
* News page added (
* Fixed issue with Mod File Information field not accepting *.esp files

Website update for March 20, 2024

Posted at by admin
* It is now possible to reupload mod information file again if some kind of error occured during processing.

Website update for June 17, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Added ability to post comments on mods.

Website update for May 27, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Added additional mod tag suggestions.

Website update for April 11, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Fixed error when navigating to different page before tag autocompletion index has finished loading.

Website update for February 24, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Fixed error when opening Next/Previous post link in new tab.

Website update for February 22, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Added tag aliases - tag now can be alias for another tag. Searches for this tag will be replaced with new tag, also alias tag will be removed from all mods/images and replaced with target tag.

Website update for February 20, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Mods with similar name are now shown on upload page.

Website update for February 11, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Fixed mod view counter not counting some views.
* Fixed issue where unnecessary network request would be performed when loading server-side rendered page.
* Removed old and not very much used "Authors" field from mods. Author tags can be used instead.

Website update for January 28, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Open images in mod change summary in new tab.
* When showing "similar image found" warning on upload page, an image that looks similar is also shown.

Website update for January 21, 2023

Posted at by admin
* Bring back .jpg encoding for images (.webp was too slow to encode).

Website update for December 23, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Added slideshow of mod gallery images when mouse hovers over mod primary image thumbnail on mod search page.

Website update for December 9, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Uploaded images will be encoded to .webp instead of .jpg.

Website update for December 8, 2022

Posted at by admin
* Physical server broke down, some data between November 29-December 6 was lost (mods and images were restored).