[Christine] Quetzali

A light armor that mimics the Aztec style. Quetzali means "long feathered" in Aztec language. Modular pieces with armor stats similar to glass armor. Comes with custom shield and "mace". Crafting recipes included.


Mod File Information

File name: [Christine] Quetzali.esp (50.55 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
0000083E Quetzali Boots 01 37 - Feet
0000083F Quetzali Boots 02 37 - Feet
00000840 Quetzali Boots 03 37 - Feet
00000841 Quetzali Boots 04 37 - Feet
00000842 Quetzali Circlet 01 42 - Circlet
00000843 Quetzali Circlet 02 42 - Circlet
00000844 Quetzali Circlet 03 42 - Circlet
00000845 Quetzali Circlet 04 42 - Circlet
00000846 Quetzali Gauntlets 01 33 - Hands
00000847 Quetzali Gauntlets 02 33 - Hands
00000848 Quetzali Gauntlets 03 33 - Hands
00000849 Quetzali Gauntlets 04 33 - Hands
0000084A Quetzali Loin 01 52 - Unnamed
0000084B Quetzali Loin 02 52 - Unnamed
0000084C Quetzali Loin 03 52 - Unnamed
0000084D Quetzali Loin 04 52 - Unnamed
0000084E Quetzali Lower 01 49 - Unnamed
0000084F Quetzali Lower 02 49 - Unnamed
00000850 Quetzali Lower 03 49 - Unnamed
00000851 Quetzali Lower 04 49 - Unnamed
00000852 Quetzali Shield 01 39 - Shield
00000853 Quetzali Shield 02 39 - Shield
00000854 Quetzali Shield 03 39 - Shield
00000855 Quetzali Shield 04 39 - Shield
00000856 Quetzali Upper 01 32 - Body
00000857 Quetzali Upper 02 32 - Body
00000858 Quetzali Upper 03 32 - Body
00000859 Quetzali Upper 04 32 - Body
00000863 Quetzali Upper Slutty 01 32 - Body
00000864 Quetzali Upper Slutty 02 32 - Body
00000865 Quetzali Upper Slutty 03 32 - Body
00000866 Quetzali Upper Slutty 04 32 - Body
Form Id Name Type
0000085A Quetzali Mace 01 Mace
0000085B Quetzali Mace 02 Mace
0000085C Quetzali Mace 03 Mace
0000085D Quetzali Mace 04 Mace

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