[Christine] Quetzali
A light armor that mimics the Aztec style. Quetzali means "long feathered" in Aztec language. Modular pieces with armor stats similar to glass armor. Comes with custom shield and "mace". Crafting recipes included.
Mod File Information
File name: [Christine] Quetzali.esp (50.55 KB)
Armors |
Form Id | Name | Equipment Slot |
0000083E | Quetzali Boots 01 | 37 - Feet |
0000083F | Quetzali Boots 02 | 37 - Feet |
00000840 | Quetzali Boots 03 | 37 - Feet |
00000841 | Quetzali Boots 04 | 37 - Feet |
00000842 | Quetzali Circlet 01 | 42 - Circlet |
00000843 | Quetzali Circlet 02 | 42 - Circlet |
00000844 | Quetzali Circlet 03 | 42 - Circlet |
00000845 | Quetzali Circlet 04 | 42 - Circlet |
00000846 | Quetzali Gauntlets 01 | 33 - Hands |
00000847 | Quetzali Gauntlets 02 | 33 - Hands |
00000848 | Quetzali Gauntlets 03 | 33 - Hands |
00000849 | Quetzali Gauntlets 04 | 33 - Hands |
0000084A | Quetzali Loin 01 | 52 - Unnamed |
0000084B | Quetzali Loin 02 | 52 - Unnamed |
0000084C | Quetzali Loin 03 | 52 - Unnamed |
0000084D | Quetzali Loin 04 | 52 - Unnamed |
0000084E | Quetzali Lower 01 | 49 - Unnamed |
0000084F | Quetzali Lower 02 | 49 - Unnamed |
00000850 | Quetzali Lower 03 | 49 - Unnamed |
00000851 | Quetzali Lower 04 | 49 - Unnamed |
00000852 | Quetzali Shield 01 | 39 - Shield |
00000853 | Quetzali Shield 02 | 39 - Shield |
00000854 | Quetzali Shield 03 | 39 - Shield |
00000855 | Quetzali Shield 04 | 39 - Shield |
00000856 | Quetzali Upper 01 | 32 - Body |
00000857 | Quetzali Upper 02 | 32 - Body |
00000858 | Quetzali Upper 03 | 32 - Body |
00000859 | Quetzali Upper 04 | 32 - Body |
00000863 | Quetzali Upper Slutty 01 | 32 - Body |
00000864 | Quetzali Upper Slutty 02 | 32 - Body |
00000865 | Quetzali Upper Slutty 03 | 32 - Body |
00000866 | Quetzali Upper Slutty 04 | 32 - Body |
Weapons |
Form Id | Name | Type |
0000085A | Quetzali Mace 01 | Mace |
0000085B | Quetzali Mace 02 | Mace |
0000085C | Quetzali Mace 03 | Mace |
0000085D | Quetzali Mace 04 | Mace |
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