[YoerkSun] Night Walker

made in Zbrush, the model and the designer was made by me, except for the boot model, it took me some time to finish because there were 80 pieces to paint and put together, reaching a total of 16 pieces on the bodyslide, clothing was based on rogues. I wanted something, like an older, torn outfit, like a bandage that wasn't done by any medical professional,I put SMP in the tail


Mod File Information

File name: [YoerkSun] Night Walker.esp (66.42 KB)
Form IdNameEquipment Slot
0000080FNW BandageEyes[Black]46 - Unnamed
00000810NW BandageEyes[Black][Alt]46 - Unnamed
00000835NW BandageEyes[Black][Alt][Torn]46 - Unnamed
00000834NW BandageEyes[Black][Torn]46 - Unnamed
00000872NW BandageEyes[White]46 - Unnamed
00000873NW BandageEyes[White][Alt]46 - Unnamed
00000811NW Boots [Black][Alt]37 - Feet
0000086FNW Boots [White][Alt]37 - Feet
00000812NW Ear[Black]47 - Unnamed
00000871NW Ear[White]47 - Unnamed
00000813NW Gloves[Black]33 - Hands
00000814NW Gloves[Black][Alt]33 - Hands
00000837NW Gloves[Black][Alt][Torn]33 - Hands
00000836NW Gloves[Black][Torn]33 - Hands
00000874NW Gloves[White]33 - Hands
00000888NW Gloves[White][Alt]33 - Hands
00000838NW Hood [Black][Torn][WithHair]31 - Hair, 41 - Long Hair, 48 - Unnamed
00000839NW Hood [Black][Torn][WithoutHair]48 - Unnamed
00000815NW Hood [Black][WithHair]31 - Hair, 41 - Long Hair, 48 - Unnamed
00000816NW Hood [Black][WithoutHair]48 - Unnamed
0000088CNW Hood [White][Alt][WithHair]31 - Hair, 41 - Long Hair, 48 - Unnamed
0000088BNW Hood [White][Alt][WithoutHair]48 - Unnamed
00000889NW Hood [White][Torn][WithHair]31 - Hair, 41 - Long Hair, 48 - Unnamed
00000870NW Hood [White][WithHair]31 - Hair, 41 - Long Hair, 48 - Unnamed
00000817NW LegsBracelet[Black]49 - Unnamed
00000875NW LegsBracelet[White]49 - Unnamed
00000818NW Necklace[Black]44 - Unnamed
00000876NW Necklace[White]44 - Unnamed
00000819NW Panty [Black]32 - Body, 34 - Forearms, 38 - Calves
00000877NW Panty [White]32 - Body, 34 - Forearms, 38 - Calves
0000081ANW Sheath [Black]51 - Decapitate
0000089ENW Sheath [IceSword]51 - Decapitate
0000089FNW Sheath [IceSword][Corrupted]51 - Decapitate
000008A0NW Sheath [LightSword]51 - Decapitate
0000081BNW Shorts[Black]52 - Unnamed
0000083ANW Shorts[Black][Torn]52 - Unnamed
00000878NW Shorts[White]52 - Unnamed
0000088FNW Shorts[White][Torn]52 - Unnamed
00000D63NW Tail [Black][SMP]45 - Unnamed
00000879NW Tail [White][SMP]45 - Unnamed
0000081CNW Tattoo [Black]53 - Unnamed
0000087ANW Tattoo [White]53 - Unnamed
0000081DNW Top [Black]54 - Unnamed
0000083BNW Top [Black][Torn]54 - Unnamed
0000087BNW Top [White][Torn]54 - Unnamed
00000890NW Top [White][Torn]54 - Unnamed
Form IdNameType
00000820NightWalker BladeSword
00000822NightWalker Blade [Reverse]Sword
00000844NightWalker Blade IceSword
00000846NightWalker Blade Ice CorruptSword
00000847NightWalker Blade Ice Corrupt ReverseSword
00000845NightWalker Blade Ice ReverseSword
00000848NightWalker Blade LightSword
0000084ANightWalker Blade Light AltSword
0000084BNightWalker Blade Light Alt ReverseSword
00000849NightWalker Blade Light ReverseSword

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