Illusive Infiltrator Armor

A unisex low-fantasy equipment set to suit stealthy adventurers while staying prepared for a fight.


Mod File Information

File name: evgInfiltratorarmor.esp (11.59 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
0000080A Illusive Infiltrator Armguards 33 - Hands
0000080F Illusive Infiltrator Backpack 47 - Unnamed
00000808 Illusive Infiltrator Cuisses 32 - Body
00000809 Illusive Infiltrator Steel-toed Boots 37 - Feet
00000D66 Infiltrator Armguards 33 - Hands
0000080E Infiltrator Backpack 47 - Unnamed
00000D67 Infiltrator Steel-toed Boots 37 - Feet
00000D62 Infiltrator Vest & Cuisses 32 - Body

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