Blue Frost Daedric Set

LordIceWolf's Blue Frost Daedric set converted to SSE CBBE BodySlide. With open permission from the original authors.


Mod File Information

File name: Blue Frost Daedric.esp (17.65 KB)
Form IdNameEquipment Slot
00000D62Blue Frost Daedric Armor32 - Body
0000080ABlue Frost Daedric Beast Boots37 - Feet
00000D61Blue Frost Daedric Boots37 - Feet
00000D66Blue Frost Daedric Crown42 - Circlet
00000D63Blue Frost Daedric Gauntlets33 - Hands
00000D64Blue Frost Daedric Helmet30 - Head, 31 - Hair, 42 - Circlet, 43 - Ears
00000D65Blue Frost Daedric Shield39 - Shield
Form IdNameType
00000D6FBlue Frost Daedric BattleaxeBattleaxe
00000D70Blue Frost Daedric BowBow
00000D71Blue Frost Daedric DaggerDagger
00000D72Blue Frost Daedric GreatswordGreatsword
00000D73Blue Frost Daedric MaceMace
00000D74Blue Frost Daedric SwordSword
00000D75Blue Frost Daedric War AxeAxe
00000D76Blue Frost Daedric WarhammerWarhammer

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