Paragon Sparrow Huntress

A lore friendly outfit that received an update. Supports CBBE, 3BAv2, and BHUNPv3. Better slider edits and NEW HDT-SMP on the skirt.


Mod File Information

File name: Paragon Sparrow Huntress.esp (14.94 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
00000811 Sparrow Huntress Arm Left 58 - Unnamed
00000812 Sparrow Huntress Arm Right 59 - Unnamed
0000080E Sparrow Huntress Boots 37 - Feet
0000080D Sparrow Huntress Gauntlets 33 - Hands
00000814 Sparrow Huntress Headgear 42 - Circlet
0000080F Sparrow Huntress Lower 49 - Unnamed
00000815 Sparrow Huntress Necklace 1 35 - Amulet
00000816 Sparrow Huntress Necklace 2 45 - Unnamed
00000810 Sparrow Huntress Skirt 52 - Unnamed
0000080C Sparrow Huntress Upper 32 - Body
0000082E Sparrow Huntress Upper Slutty 32 - Body

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