Maid Outfits

A set of fine dresses23 colours.based on barkeeper mesh.


Mod File Information

File name: zzMaidOutfits.esp (28.32 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
00000D63 Maid Outfit 32 - Body
00000D77 Maid Outfit Azure 32 - Body
00000D7D Maid Outfit Black 32 - Body
00000D6F Maid Outfit Blue 32 - Body
00000D70 Maid Outfit Brown 32 - Body
000012F0 Maid Outfit Brown Green 32 - Body
0000185A Maid Outfit Crimson 32 - Body
000012F2 Maid Outfit Dark Blue 32 - Body
000012F4 Maid Outfit Dark Brown 32 - Body
000012F1 Maid Outfit Dark Green 32 - Body
00000D6E Maid Outfit Green 32 - Body
00001DC9 Maid Outfit Old Blue 32 - Body
00001DCB Maid Outfit Old Green 32 - Body
00001DCC Maid Outfit Old Green Brown 32 - Body
00001DCD Maid Outfit Old Orange 32 - Body
00001DCE Maid Outfit Old Purple 32 - Body
00001DCA Maid Outfit Old Red 32 - Body
00000D71 Maid Outfit Orange 32 - Body
00000D7E Maid Outfit OrangeGreen 32 - Body
000012F3 Maid Outfit Pink 32 - Body
00000D83 Maid Outfit Plain Yellow 32 - Body
00000D74 Maid Outfit Purple 32 - Body
00000D82 Maid Outfit Red 32 - Body

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