Anemos Set

Anemos Set ported from FF14 for BHUNP v3 body. Added standalone 3BA version of the mod, There might be issues since i can't test it ingame.


Mod File Information

File name: [Rand] Anemos Set 3BA.esp (8.28 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
00000807 Anemos Boots 37 - Feet
00000808 Anemos Gloves 33 - Hands
00000809 Anemos Necklace 35 - Amulet
00000806 Anemos Pants 49 - Unnamed
0000080D Anemos Pants Skimpy 49 - Unnamed
00000811 Anemos Pants Skimpy (Slot 56) 56 - Unnamed
00000805 Anemos Top 32 - Body
0000080C Anemos Top Skimpy 32 - Body
00000810 Anemos Top Skimpy (Slot 46) 46 - Unnamed

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