[Christine] Dragon Guard

Credit: Barbara Brundon, Shox-Design, and Umblefugly for original armor design. Zillatix for buying the armor with licensing to share with the community! Thank you!

This armor supports the normal CBBE physics by Ousnius, CBBE 3BAv2 by Acro, and BHUNP by bakafactory. Also supports Heels Sound for the high heels. Please choose your options in the fomod installer.


Mod File Information

File name: [Christine] Dragon Guard/01 Main/data/[Christine] Dragon Guard.esp (13.03 KB)
Form IdNameEquipment Slot
00000807Dragon Guard Boots37 - Feet
00000808Dragon Guard Boots Slutty37 - Feet
00000829Dragon Guard Circlet42 - Circlet
00000809Dragon Guard Gauntlets33 - Hands
0000080ADragon Guard Gauntlets Slutty33 - Hands
0000080BDragon Guard Lower52 - Unnamed
00000825Dragon Guard Lower [Short]52 - Unnamed
00000811Dragon Guard Shield39 - Shield
0000080CDragon Guard Upper32 - Body
0000080DDragon Guard Upper Slutty32 - Body
Form IdNameType
0000080FDragon Guard SwordSword

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