Hololive Shishiro Botan Default Outfit

Credit: These assets were made by Cover Corporation. Assets come with a free to use, non-commercialized license. Credit to HIROSIN for original modification of the assets. Converted to Skyrim SE with custom coat by SunJeong.
The main outfit belonging to the V-Tuber from Hololive Shishiro Botan! From the fifth generation of Hololive talent. Comes with SMP physics on her coat. Non-SMP NOT AVAILABLE! The coat looks really ugly without SMP, sorry. Categorized as clothing with no stats. Tail not included.
This armor supports the normal CBBE physics by Ousnius, CBBE 3BAv2 by Acro, and BHUNP by bakafactory. Please choose your options in the fomod installer.


Mod File Information

File name: Hololive Shishiro Botan Default Outfit.esp (5.86 KB)
Form IdNameEquipment Slot
0000080BHololive Shishiro Botan Boots37 - Feet
0000080DHololive Shishiro Botan Coat57 - Unnamed
00000806Hololive Shishiro Botan Lower52 - Unnamed
00000802Hololive Shishiro Botan Stockings49 - Unnamed
00000805Hololvie Shishiro Botan Upper32 - Body, 34 - Forearms, 38 - Calves

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