Change history of mod "Deathclaw Hunter Armor"

No.WhenChanged byPropertyNew value
Tagsthe_elder_scrolls fallout_4 skyrim_se bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_fo4 cbbe_se abelincoln55 doombased sunjeong armor claws cloth_physics female female_only multiple_colors multiple_textures sexy skimpy tail
Heavy armor and light armor mesh variants. 6 recolors (Original, Albino, Alpha, Glowing, Matriarch, and Savage). Recolors are based off of the different Deathclaw species in Fallout 4. Modular armor parts. Balanced. Heavy variant resembles Dragonplate. Light variant resembles DragonScale. This applies to armor stats and crafting recipes. Additional accessories not found in the FO4 version. This includes horns, tail, and claws. Gauntlets/claws increases unarmed damage. Tail has HDT-SMP physics for modest swaying movement.
NameDeathclaw Hunter Armor