Change history of mod "Palutena Outfit"

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3 admin Tags super_smash_bros the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se bhunp bhunp_se cbbe cbbe_3ba cbbe_se tbd_se tbd_smp uunp dknight13 armlets blouse cloth_physics clothing crown dress hair heels high_heels panties shield staff underwear weapon
Tags super_smash_bros the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se bhunp bhunp_se cbbe cbbe_3ba tbd_se tbd_smp uunp dknight13 armlets blouse cloth_physics clothing crown dress hair heels high_heels panties shield staff underwear weapon
2 Dknight13 Description
Adds Palutena's outfit from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to Skyrim. The outfit comes with Palutena's Hair with crown (SMP), Blouse, Dress (SMP), Armlets, Heels, and Underwear. The outfit also comes with Palutena's Staff and Sheild. The outfit and weapons can be crafted under the Elven Smithing Perk or use Add Item Menu. The outfit also comes with Bodyslide files for UUNP (LE), CBBE (LE), BHUNP (LE and SE), 3BA (SE), and TBD (SE). The outfit also comes with HDT - Skinned Mesh Physics (SMP) on her Hair, Blouse (depending on the Bodyslide file), and Dress. The Staff come with a powerful Lightning Storm spell with the Shield casting a magic Ward. The outfit is female exclusive.
Tags super_smash_bros the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se bhunp bhunp_se cbbe cbbe_3ba tbd_smp uunp dknight13 armlets blouse cloth_physics clothing crown dress hair heels high_heels panties shield staff underwear weapon
1 admin Downloads
Tags super_smash_bros the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se bhunp bhunp_se dknight13 armlets blouse cloth_physics clothing crown dress hair heels high_heels panties shield staff underwear weapon