Change history of mod "Apachii Maid Armor"

No.WhenChanged byPropertyNew value
1adminTagsthe_elder_scrolls skyrim_se bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se apachii calaverx11 versuchdrei armlets bag boots choker clothing collar cuirass dress gauntlets gloves greaves hair maid_outfit multiple_colors multiple_textures multiple_variations scarf sexy shoes skimpy
Tagsthe_elder_scrolls skyrim_se bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se apachii calaverx11 versuchdrei armlets bag boots choker clothing collar cuirass dress gauntlets gloves greaves hair maid_outfit multiple_colors multiple_textures scarf sexy shoes skimpy
Adds 3BA BodySlide data and SMP physics for the skirts.
NameApachii Maid Armor