Change history of mod "[Melodic] Dryad"

No. When Changed by Property New value
2 admin Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se cbbe cbbe_3ba cbbe_se coco_body_cbbe coco_body_uunp melodic cloth_physics female female_only multiple_colors multiple_textures multiple_variations panties sexy skimpy top
1 admin Downloads
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se cbbe cbbe_3ba cbbe_se coco_body_cbbe coco_body_uunp melodic cloth_physics female female_only multiple_colors multiple_textures multiple_variations sexy skimpy
Hellow there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Mod contains: Top Top Xtra Top SMP Top Xtra Top Xtra SMP Torso Torso SMP Arm Left Arm Left SMP Arm Right Arm Right SMP Panty Panty SMP Leg Left Leg Left SMP Leg Right Leg Right SMP LE COCOBODY \ SE CBBE 3BA Bodyslide Craftable\Temperable Link  temporal google link SE 3BA temporal google link Low res textures temporal google link Hope you like it! Cheers! (b^_^)b T1 UPDATE! Added 3 colors to each part! Link are sended to my lovely supporters T1 and higher !<3 Cheers! (b^_^)b T2 UPDATE! Added more colors! Link are sended to my lovely supporters T2 and higher !<3 Cheers! (b^_^)b
Name [Melodic] Dryad