Change history of mod "LoL Gwen Outfit"

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1 admin Downloads
Tags league_of_legends riot_games the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se sunjeong boots cloth_physics clothing dress female female_only gloves hair hair_physics multiple_variations sexy skimpy skirt
A modular outfit of Gwen the Hallowed Seamstress; a character from the game League of Legends. The mod features a custom scissors sword categorized as 2-Handed. Outfit is categorized as light armor with elven stats. The outfit has a custom slutty version created by SunJeong. The hair is also ported and has optional SMP physics for all bodies. The skirt is optional SMP for CBBE but required for 3BA and BHUNPv3.
Name LoL Gwen Outfit