Change history of mod "[Christine] Night Parade of One Hundred Demons"

No.WhenChanged byPropertyNew value
Tagsthe_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_se sunjeong cuirass female female_only gauntlets hair multiple_variations panties sexy skimpy skirt underwear
An armor worn by Kanna from Dead or Alive! This armor is based off of the Japanese folklore of the same name (Hyakki Yagyō). The outfit is light armor and features an SMP skirt. Comes with modular parts and even comes with Kanna's hair as an equippable wig that supports racemenu colors. Note 1: This outfits fully supports CBPC and HDT-SMP. CBPC users make sure to build the non-SMP version of the skirt in Bodyslide. Similarly, SMP users make sure to build the SMP version in Bodyslide. Requirements: Caliente's Beautiful Body Enhancer - CBBE - Special Edition Bodyslide and Outfit Studio XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Edition CBP/C or HDT-SMP (SMP is needed for the items with the SMP label in Bodyslide) Obtain: The items can be found in a custom container at the hunter camp behind the Guardian Stones close to Riverwood.
Name[Christine] Night Parade of One Hundred Demons