Change history of mod "COCO Lolita"

No.WhenChanged byPropertyNew value
  • COCO Lolita - skyrim_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se coco_body_cbbe_se coco_body_uunp_se
  • COCO Lolita - skyrim_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se coco_body_cbbe_se coco_body_uunp_se
  • COCO Lolita - skyrim coco_body_cbbe coco_body_uunp
  • COCO Lolita - skyrim coco_body_cbbe coco_body_uunp
Tagsthe_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se coco_body_cbbe coco_body_cbbe_se coco_body_uunp coco_body_uunp_se coco daymarr cloth_physics clothing dress female female_only gloves headwear heels high_heels multiple_colors multiple_textures nudity see-through see-through_clothing sexy shoes skimpy skirt stockings top vest
COCO's Lolita, featuring a unique Lolita dress outfit set. The outfit comes with CBBE 3BA & COCOBody CBBE/UUNP bodyslides support. The Skirt come with HDT-SMP cloth physics.
NameCOCO Lolita