Change history of mod "Obi's Wyrm Slayer Armor"
No. | When | Changed by | Property | New value |
2 | admin | Bumped | Post was bumped to the front page. | |
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Tags | the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se bhunp_se bhunp_v4_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se armor bodysuit boots female female_only gauntlets gloves hair helmet | |||
1 | admin | Name | Obi's Wyrm Slayer Armor | |
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Tags | the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se armor bodysuit boots female female_only gauntlets gloves hair helmet | |||
Description | Eslified, craftable armor made out of leather and steel. Endurable and agile enough to dodge the dragon's flame :) |
Name | Obi's Wyrm Slayer Armor 2k | |||
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