Change history of mod "Kvetchi Mercenary Set"

No. When Changed by Property New value
8 admin Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se howierd42 ithaelus pulcharmsolis armor boots bracers closed_helmet cloth_physics cuirass female helmet light_armor male pants pauldrons shield shortsword sword vambraces weapon
7 Haizen Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots bracers closed_helmet cloth_physics cuirass female helmet light_armor male pants pauldrons shield shortsword sword vambraces weapon
6 Haizen Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots bracers closed_helmet cloth_physics cuirass female gloves helmet light_armor male pants pauldrons shield shortsword sword vambraces weapon
5 Haizen Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots closed_helmet cloth_physics cuirass female helmet light_armor male pants shield shortsword sword vambraces weapon
4 Haizen Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots closed_helmet cloth_physics female helmet light_armor male pants shield shortsword sword vambraces weapon
3 Haizen Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots closed_helmet cloth_physics female helmet light_armor male pants shield short_boots shortsword sword vambraces weapon
2 Haizen Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots closed_helmet cloth_physics female helmet light_armor male shield short_boots shortsword sword vambraces weapon
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots closed_helmet cloth_physics female helmet light_armor male shield short_boots shortsword vambraces weapon
1 Haizen Downloads
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba himbo sam_se pulcharmsolis armor boots closed_helmet cloth_physics female helmet light_armor male shield short_boots shortsword sword vambraces
Adds an imperial themed set, a weapon & a shield Found on an NPC in a bandit camp near Helgen, can be crafted and tempered with same requirements as vanilla steel plate, the loading screen only plays in Falkreath Hold
Name Kvetchi Mercenary Set