Change history of mod "[Melodic] Mitsuru Battle Panties"

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4 admin Bumped Post was bumped to the front page.
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se cbbe cbbe_3ba cbbe_se coco_body_cbbe coco_body_uunp uunp daymarr melodic thehiddenevil boots clothing gloves long_gloves multiple_colors multiple_textures multiple_variations panties sexy skimpy stockings underwear
3 admin Description
2 admin Downloads
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se cbbe cbbe_3ba cbbe_se coco_body_cbbe coco_body_uunp uunp melodic thehiddenevil boots clothing gloves long_gloves multiple_colors multiple_textures multiple_variations panties sexy skimpy stockings underwear
1 admin Downloads
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim cbbe coco_body_cbbe coco_body_uunp uunp melodic boots clothing gloves long_gloves multiple_colors multiple_textures multiple_variations panties sexy skimpy stockings underwear
Howdy ~ \(★ω★)/ New outfit, from persona Mod contains: Band Body Body Xtra Arms Boots CBBE/UUNP/COCOA/COCOB Bodyslide Craftable\Temperable Band have PA Hat Node Extra slider on body for pressure Link temporal google link Low res textures temporal google link Hope you like it! Cheers! (b^_^)b T1 UPDATE! Added 6 optional colors Links are sended to my lovely patrons T1 and higher! <3 Cheers! (b^_^)b T2 UPDATE! Added more 6 metallic colors Links are sended to my lovely patrons T2 and higher! <3 Cheers! (b^_^)b
Name [Melodic] Mitsuru Battle Panties