Change history of mod "Stargazer"

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2adminBumpedPost was bumped to the front page.
Tagsthe_elder_scrolls skyrim_se bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se bakafactory caenarvon bodysuit bow cloth_physics clothing dress female female_only gloves hair hair_physics heels high_heels horns multiple_textures pantyhose see-through see-through_clothing sexy skimpy sleeves weapon
1adminTagsthe_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se caenarvon bodysuit bow cloth_physics clothing dress female female_only gloves hair hair_physics heels high_heels horns multiple_textures pantyhose see-through see-through_clothing sexy skimpy sleeves weapon
Tagsthe_elder_scrolls skyrim_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se bodysuit bow cloth_physics dress female female_only gloves hair hair_physics heels high_heels horns multiple_textures pantyhose see-through see-through_clothing sexy skimpy sleeves weapon
Adds Genshin-inspired fantasy armor set and bow to Skyrim. Armor has SMP cloth physics enable and weapon has custom effect and projectile. Optional follower is available. Support only CBBE 3BA.