Change history of mod "Wonderland Dress"

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1 admin Downloads
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se bhunp bhunp_se myst42 boots dress multiple_colors multiple_textures panties underwear
This mod, is old. But I've had so many requests for it over the years, I finally decided to make it public. The original, I believe was from Granado Espada, but I've just been making tweaks and edits for years on what I first acquired as an Oblivion version. From there I've edited the model to hell an back, adjusting shape, adding verticles, changing the rigging over and over again, and making recolors. I never knew the original outfit's name, and since I wanted it for my Alice, I just named it Wonderland Dress. But I guess an alternate name being G.E. Dress also works.
Name Wonderland Dress