Change history of mod "Battle Mirage Armor"
No. | When | Changed by | Property | New value |
1 | admin | Name | Battle Mirage Armor | |
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Tags | the_elder_scrolls skyrim skyrim_se bhunp bhunp_se cbbe cbbe_3ba cbbe_se armor boots breastplate cloak cloth_physics cuirass female female_only heavy_armor heels high_heels hood multiple_colors multiple_textures multiple_variations see-through see-through_clothing sexy skimpy tasset | |||
Description | For the first time, I actually made craftable/temper forms, ground meshes and CBBE/3BA version.
Armor consists on a few recolors, full bodysuit versions of it, and modular separated items version too, intended to mix and match with other mods. Includes recolors and transparent version. | |||
Name | Battle Mirage Armor (Full Version) |