Change history of mod "Camellia"

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4 admin Downloads
3 cakemas Description
Rektas: Supports CBBE/3BA and BHUNP bodies. Rektas recommendation for this mod - 3BA Must be built in BodySlide first! Make sure your body mods are up to date (BHUNP V3 was released)! Made as modular as possible. This is the "slutty" version. Sunjeong: How is this different from the Rektas version? A: It's not really that different. The only changes made are being updated to the most recent versions of bodies. The only other change was removing the SMP versions as their own item in the ESP as well as renaming some items (both within the ESP and the Bodyslide files themselves) to be more consistent with the rest of the Ninirim outfits so that it's easier to integrate when the AIO pack comes out. Otherwise, the armor is pretty much the same.
  • Camellia - bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se rektas
  • Camellia - bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se sunjeong
2 admin Bumped Post was bumped to the front page.
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1 admin Downloads
Tags the_elder_scrolls skyrim_se bhunp_se cbbe_3ba cbbe_se ninirim rektas armlets bracelets female female_only heels high_heels multiple_variations necklace see-through see-through_clothing skirt top