Vindictus Valkyrie

A seamstress bestows her icy gracefulness into this outfit! Ideal for Frost mages seeking protection. Light armor with an aesthetic suitable for the harsh winters of Skyrim. All credits go to arkel608 for the original mod. I just ported it.

Note 1: The outfit supports ONLY supports HDT-SMP. Apologies in advanced as this does not look good without it.

Note 2: This mod is ESL flagged.


Mod File Information

File name: Vindictus Valkyrie.esl (9.35 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
00000803 Vin Valkyrie Boots 37 - Feet
00000802 Vin Valkyrie Gauntlets 33 - Hands
00000D63 Vin Valkyrie Hair 31 - Hair, 41 - Long Hair
00000804 Vin Valkyrie Helm 42 - Circlet
00000801 Vin Valkyrie Main 32 - Body, 34 - Forearms, 38 - Calves
00000800 Vin Valkyrie Wings 45 - Unnamed

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