[Christine] Exnem Demonic

An alluring succubus/vampire inspired heavy armor  that comes in 3 different colors and 2 different normal maps. All variants are available in-game.  

This armor supports the normal CBBE physics, CBBE SMP by Ousnius, and CBBE 3BA by Acro. Please choose your options in the fomod installer.


Mod File Information

File name: [Christine] Exnem Demonic.esp (52.88 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
00000D68 Exnem Demonic Boots 37 - Feet
00000838 Exnem Demonic Boots [Black] 37 - Feet
0000083A Exnem Demonic Boots [White] 37 - Feet
00000837 Exnem Demonic Boots Alt 37 - Feet
00000839 Exnem Demonic Boots Alt [Black] 37 - Feet
0000083B Exnem Demonic Boots Alt [White] 37 - Feet
00000D69 Exnem Demonic Gauntlets 33 - Hands
0000083D Exnem Demonic Gauntlets [Black] 33 - Hands
0000083F Exnem Demonic Gauntlets [White] 33 - Hands
0000083C Exnem Demonic Gauntlets Alt 33 - Hands
0000083E Exnem Demonic Gauntlets Alt [Black] 33 - Hands
00000840 Exnem Demonic Gauntlets Alt [White] 33 - Hands
00000D6A Exnem Demonic Lower 49 - Unnamed
00000842 Exnem Demonic Lower [Black] 49 - Unnamed
00000844 Exnem Demonic Lower [White] 49 - Unnamed
00000841 Exnem Demonic Lower Alt 49 - Unnamed
00000843 Exnem Demonic Lower Alt [Black] 49 - Unnamed
00000845 Exnem Demonic Lower Alt [White] 49 - Unnamed
00000D6B Exnem Demonic Thighs 53 - Unnamed
00000847 Exnem Demonic Thighs [Black] 53 - Unnamed
00000849 Exnem Demonic Thighs [White] 53 - Unnamed
00000846 Exnem Demonic Thighs Alt 53 - Unnamed
00000848 Exnem Demonic Thighs Alt [Black] 53 - Unnamed
0000084A Exnem Demonic Thighs Alt [White] 53 - Unnamed
00000D6C Exnem Demonic Upper 32 - Body
0000084C Exnem Demonic Upper [Black] 32 - Body
0000084E Exnem Demonic Upper [White] 32 - Body
0000084B Exnem Demonic Upper Alt 32 - Body
0000084D Exnem Demonic Upper Alt [Black] 32 - Body
0000084F Exnem Demonic Upper Alt [White] 32 - Body
00000D6D Exnem Demonic Upper Slutty 32 - Body
00000851 Exnem Demonic Upper Slutty [Black] 32 - Body
00000853 Exnem Demonic Upper Slutty [White] 32 - Body
00000850 Exnem Demonic Upper Slutty Alt 32 - Body
00000852 Exnem Demonic Upper Slutty Alt [Black] 32 - Body
00000854 Exnem Demonic Upper Slutty Alt [White] 32 - Body

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