[Christine] Clockwork

A non-lore friendly cyberpunk fashion light armor! Comes with 5 variant tops with slutty versions included.

This armor supports the normal CBBE physics, CBBE SMP by Ousnius, and CBBE 3BA by Acro. Please choose your options in the fomod installer.


Mod File Information

File name: [Christine] Clockwork.esp (14.41 KB)
Form Id Name Equipment Slot
00000D6E Clockwork Boots 37 - Feet
00000D70 Clockwork Circlet 42 - Circlet
00000D76 Clockwork Corset 46 - Unnamed
00000D6F Clockwork Gauntlets 33 - Hands
00000D78 Clockwork Lower 49 - Unnamed
00000D79 Clockwork Lower Alt 52 - Unnamed
00000D77 Clockwork Stockings 53 - Unnamed
00000D71 Clockwork Upper 32 - Body
00000D72 Clockwork Upper 32 - Body
00000D73 Clockwork Upper 32 - Body
00000D74 Clockwork Upper 32 - Body
00000D75 Clockwork Upper 32 - Body

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